Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Camp Tutira Parent Help Update – Year ⅚ (Room 4 & Some Students from Room 6)

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This year I have had a huge response from parents of room 4 students  who have expressed interest in going to Camp Tutira - 16 parents!  Names were drawn out in front of the children by the children so that I could be as fair as possible.
Thank you very much to the parents and caregivers who have indicated they are able to be an overnight camp helper and assist with transport.  I am very grateful for all parents and caregivers who put their name forward, either to be an overnight camp helper or help with transport.
Due to the costs of the camp, I have to limit the number of parent helpers to a specific number and also ensure I have a ratio of 1 adult: 4 children.  
The following parents will be our overnight helpers and transporters on camp this year:
Louise Fischer
Cushla MCLaren
Brenda Kneebone
Raman Klair
Karl Symonds
Dominic Koko
Brian Daly
Sam Warne
Haig Flashoff
Thank you to Sam Warne who is able to provide a trailer to help transport luggage and food.
At this stage we have enough transport to get the children to camp and back again comfortably.  
We have a very good parent: child safety ratio also.
A note to the parents who are coming:  We do appreciate that people’s situations can change and this may affect whether or not you are able to come on camp.  
Please let us know as soon as possible if your situation changes as far being able to come on camp.
Thank you very much for your support and we look forward to a fun-filled camp.
There will be a pre-camp meeting for all parents on Wednesday 25 October in the staff room.  If parents are unable to attend, we will send home a note with any information and details from this meeting.

Kind Regards,

Tracey Smith

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